Nerve Therapy

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Nerve Therapy




Dr. Hemant Jaisingh



Alternative medicine

Nerve Therapy[1] is a pioneering medical technique developed by Dr. Hemant Jaisingh, a distinguished practitioner based in Uttarakhand, India. This innovative approach represents a significant advancement in the field of alternative medicine, offering a non-pharmacological solution for addressing a diverse range of disorders, including neurological, genetical, autoimmune, and central nervous system (CNS)


It is a technique of treating Neurological , Genetical , Autoimmune or CNS  disorders through giving Nerve Signal manually to Nerves & Joints associated with that particular disorder.-"Dr Hemant Jaisingh" conditions.[2]


In Nerve therapy manually Impulse is provided externally to all the Nerves & bones
In Nerve therapy manually Impulse is provided externally to all the Nerves & bones
In Nerve therapy manually Impulse is provided externally to all the Nerves & bones

Nerve Therapy stands out for its unique method of treating ailments by manually stimulating specific nerves and joints associated with the patient's condition. Unlike traditional therapies such as acupressure, physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage, marma therapy, and chiropractic, which often target general areas of the body, Nerve Therapy delivers precise impulses to key nerve points, facilitating targeted healing and relief.[3]


The effectiveness of Nerve Therapy lies in its precise mechanism of action. By understanding the intricate network of nerves within the body, practitioners can identify and stimulate the relevant nerve pathways to address specific disorders. For instance, conditions like Motor Neuron Disorder (MND), Avascular Necrosis (AVN), Cervical Spondylosis, and Autism are treated by applying impulses to corresponding nerves and joints, tailored to the individual's needs.[4]

Treatment Approach

Nerve Therapy adopts a holistic approach to healing, focusing on the root cause of the disorder rather than just alleviating symptoms. Through manual manipulation of nerves and joints, practitioners aim to restore balance and function to the affected areas, promoting natural healing processes within the body. This patient-centric approach emphasizes personalized care and aims to improve overall well-being.[5]


One of the key advantages of Nerve Therapy is its versatility and adaptability to various medical conditions. Whether it's addressing neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, or musculoskeletal issues, this technique offers a comprehensive solution that complements conventional treatments or serves as an alternative for individuals seeking non-invasive options.[6][7]


As awareness of Nerve Therapy grows, so does its impact on healthcare practices worldwide. Patient testimonials and clinical studies attest to its efficacy in providing relief and improving quality of life for individuals facing debilitating conditions. With its emphasis on targeted healing and holistic care, Nerve Therapy has the potential to reshape the future of medical treatment, offering hope and healing to countless patients globally.[8][9]


Nerve Therapy represents a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of alternative medicine, offering a promising pathway to healing for those in need. Dr. Hemant Jaisingh's innovative approach underscores the importance of understanding the body's intricate nervous system and harnessing its potential for therapeutic benefit. As research continues and acceptance of this technique grows, Nerve Therapy stands poised to revolutionize healthcare practices, ushering in a new era of patient-centered, holistic treatment modalities.[10]
